New Forums

Chat has been moved to our shiny new forums. Feel free to set up your profile and join the community. Players can now post game journals. Visitors can comment on the story and ask questions. Subscribe to the forums to receive alerts when new content is available.

Join us in the Spoiler Free Zone to chat about Pern, characters, plots, and the story as it has unfolded so far.  Keep it light and friendly.  Guests — please try to avoid speculating about future events, posting puzzle solutions, or revealing spoilers in this zone. Players earn points by discovering clues and solving mysteries on their own.

Go to Campaign Open Zone to talk about the game in depth or chat about miscellaneous topics.  Enjoy Player-Free Chat to share your spoilers, compare clues, and debate difficult topics. Perhaps you’ll solve a mystery before the players!

While you are here, we ask you to follow some basic rules:

  • Post in relevant sub-forums only. Messages posted in the wrong topic area will be removed and placed in the correct sub-forum.  Contact a moderator if you would like a new forum to be created.
  • Respect the Spoiler Free Zone.  Repeated violations will result in a site ban.
  • Restrict comments about our players to Player-Free Chat.
  • Do not post any material which is defamatory, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, profane, threatening, or illegal.  Respect other site users.
  • Don’t stir the pot.  Focus controversial topics on the campaign and not the real world.
  • Don’t invade anyone’s privacy.
  • We will delete topics or messages if they are spam, flooding, chain letters, pyramid schemes, automated messages, or non-topic solicitations.
  • Obscene, sexually explicit, and pornographic posts will be deleted.
  • You are solely responsible for the content of your posted messages.
  • We’ll do our best to patrol the forums and help with any issues.  We may close, re-open, move, split, and delete topics as necessary to keep these forums running smoothly.  We will suspend accounts and ban users for violations.

In short, don’t be a troll and make us intervene in a conversation, thanks!

If you have any difficulty posting in the forums, please comment here and let us know. Give us a description of the problem and we’ll do our best to fix it.

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